James Sundquist

Jackson School of Global Affairs
Yale University



My research examines China’s engagement with the developing world from a political economy perspective, using a variety of methods: econometric analysis, experiments, text data, models of strategic interaction, and qualitative interviews.


Job Market Paper: “Institutional Eclipse: How Chinese Loans Substitute for IMF Assistance”

“Why Does China Tolerate Bad Behavior in State-Owned Firms? Domestic Interests and Foreign Loans from Autocracies”

“Telling Chinese Stories Well: Two New Mechanisms of Chinese Influence on Foreign Media”

Additional Projects

“When Does Public Diplomacy Succeed? Evidence from China’s Wolf Warrior Diplomats” with Daniel Mattingly
Forthcoming, Political Science Research and Methods

“How to Use Spatial Instruments”
pdf appendix

“Japan and the Collapse of Bretton Woods.” With Frances Rosenbluth. In The Bretton Woods Agreements: Together with Scholarly Commentaries and Essential Historical Documents, edited by Naomi Lamoreaux and Ian Shapiro, 236-253. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019.